TuffPlans® are pleased to announce a new product!
Site safety signs printed in high-resolution colour on Tyvek®, the same material we print our plans on.
By Law all Building Sites require a Safety Sign to be clearly displayed at all Domestic & Commercial building sites.
Conforms to ‘Australian Standard 1319’ for safety signs in the workplace.
A2 size, 420mm x 594mm.
Extremely cost effective when compared with Corflute Signs..
Can be supplied with four Eyelets/Grommets, one on each corner for attaching to fencing or other structures.
Alternatively supplied without Eyelets/Grommets for stapling or nailing to fencing etc.
Your Store Logo added to top left of sign.
Fields can be prefilled by us when printing.
Waterproof, Tear Resistant, UV Resistant – Extremely durable.